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  1. Zna li se uopste ko je gazda Playera? Vidim ima prodavnice i u Hrvatskoj i u Bosni.
  2. Do koliko novaca? Novo ili polovno?
  3. R.I.P. John Mayall. Musician John Mayall, often referred to the “godfather of the British blues,” whose bands of the late ’60s and early ‘70s featured some of the most notable rock instrumentalists of the era, died Monday at home in California, according to a statement posted by his family on his social media accounts. He was 90.
  4. https://www.facebook.com/share/v/V2KFbh9p5Hqvz9bT/?mibextid=xCPwDs
  5. Spomenik Mocartu, violinski ključ pod njegovim nogama.
  6. Možda nekom pomogne, ovaj je u strimeru Linn Majik DS. 484663.pdf
  7. Pobednica SANREMO 2024😉
  8. Kad uzmeš strimer imaš u njemu internet radio stanice. Plus dobro stereo pojačalo i ciao.
  9. Nastavi i dalje s probama i testiranjem zvučnika, dok ne dodješ do željenog zvuka prema svojim afinitetima.
  10. Hahahahah, izjava čist oksimoron po teoriji😉
  11. petarjovic

    Hi-end girls

    Svaki predmet uvek moze imati visestruku namenu😄
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