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Sečenje 32/192 .cue albuma na pesme


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20 minutes ago, Father said:

Znači čuje se razlika između splitovanog 24/192 i ne splitovanog 32/192?

... kad vec odosmo u oftopic, cisto da prislonim ovaj linkic... 24/192 Music Downloads...and why they make no sense


Unfortunately, there is no point to distributing music in 24-bit/192kHz format. Its playback fidelity is slightly inferior to 16/44.1 or 16/48, and it takes up 6 times the space.

There are a few real problems with the audio quality and 'experience' of digitally distributed music today. 24/192 solves none of them. While everyone fixates on 24/192 as a magic bullet, we're not going to see any actual improvement. ....

Ako previse zaluta tema, mozda ce biti pametno, otvoriti neku drugu sa ovom tematikom

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@FatherMa nisam to analizirao, nego malo sam se šalio kad sam to spomenuo. Vidim da ljudi vole odma da reaguju, reko bi jedva čekaju.

Ove magnetofonske trake sam prekjuče prokljuvio pa ću možda i ovo pažljivije slušati (24/192 vs 32/192).

Poenta je da AP mnogo dugo kešira fajl od 2gb iako imam sdd, a ne želim ceo album da slušam.

Nego foobar po defaultu odma radi Auto na 24, naravno da sam sve opcije probo. Pa i 32 koji opet daje 24.

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Zoran - Eto vidiš, mnogi programi, muzika snimljena i čipovi su napravljeni bezveze jer mi to ne čujemo.

Na ovaj moj stav može da reaguje neki dežurni cinik sa ovog foruma u maniru: pa da, da nam uzmu pare samo :)

Kad budu izmislili 256/12456 - do tada će nam uzeti debele pare

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:) ... ma, bitno je da ima muzike. Sto se tice teksta, on je meni odavno u bookmarku i povremeno bacim oko na njega. Druga zanimljiva konstatacija u njemu je:

Finally, the good news

What actually works to improve the quality of the digital audio to which we're listening?

Better headphones

The easiest fix isn't digital. The most dramatic possible fidelity improvement for the cost comes from a good pair of headphones. Over-ear, in ear, open or closed, it doesn't much matter. They don't even need to be expensive, though expensive headphones can be worth the money.

Keep in mind that some headphones are expensive because they're well made, durable and sound great. Others are expensive because they're $20 headphones under a several hundred dollar layer of styling, brand name, and marketing. I won't make specfic recommendations here, but I will say you're not likely to find good headphones in a big box store, even if it specializes in electronics or music. As in all other aspects of consumer hi-fi, do your research (and caveat emptor).


Sad smo definitivno u offtopiku... a kako ce ko da shvati linkovano/napisano/komentarisano... to vec... :)


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On 20.7.2018. at 12:00, vdzele said:

Skinuo sam neke hi res fajlove u 32/192. Snimci su nastali kao rip sa magnetofonskih traka. Nikad do sada nisam skidao 32/192 u jednom fajlu.

PINK FLOYD.cue 1.10 KB


Dok sam skidao 24/192 u jednom fajlu, ja sam takve albume sekao na pesme u foobar preko opcije konvert. Ovaj 32/192 fajl foobar hoće i dalje da seče, međutim, on ih pretoči u 24/192, iako sam output namestio da bude 32bit.

Gde grešim? Da li foobar može da konvertuje u 32/192? Da li mi treba drugi program i koji? Saracon ne vidi ovaj .cue fajl.

Inače ovi 32/192 sa magnetofona su ubedljivo najbolji snimci koje sam čuo do sada. Mislim da je razlog magnetna traka jer neke 24/192 koje sam isto skinuo su više nego ubedljivi. Mnogo su bolji nego cd rip, vinil rip ili sa SACD.

Podesi converter po karakteristikama input fajla...

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