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Everything posted by neskor

  1. https://www.hifishark.com/ ukucaj u search polje sta te zanima imas dole opcije FOR SALE gde vidis trenutnu ponudu i SOLD/EXPIRED gde vidis po kojoj ceni su prodati uredjaji
  2. Saopštenje prenosim u celosti: Саопштење за јавност радника Поште Србије! Обраћамо вам се поводом обустављања рада РПЛЦ-а Београд. Покушали смо да контактирамо медије али нико осим Н1 и Блица није заинтересован да објави апсолутно ништа. Радници у РПЛЦ-у одбијају да раде све док се са оснивачем не договоре око повећања плате и обезбеђивања довољног броја извршилаца. Подршку им је пружио и велики број пошта који је данас на 1 час обуставио рад! Ово није организован протест од стране синдиката а камоли политичких партија, политика нас не занима али врло утиче на наше пословање с обзиром да не генерални директор поставља по политичкој основи а не по стручности, ово је протест радника који су на рубу егзистенције! Радника поште има око 15.000, од тога је 13.000 у технологији, од њих нико нема просечну плату у предузећу. А од републичког просека смо далеко за 15.000 динара. Овог пута нећемо одустати!
  3. zanima me koliki je na kraju sve izaslo (shipping+handling charges...)?
  4. juce se bas pojavio na ebay.uk https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/JBL-PROJECT-EVEREST-SPEAKERS-DD55000/264212695770?hash=item3d844dcada:g:LwIAAOSwXFRcWMV7:rk:3:pf:0
  5. imam ja negde tih novih ef86 vise vrtsta od mojeg bivseg Quad II svrati
  6. otprilike uplatis 5% vise nego sto treba, tako da onaj kome saljes dobije zeljeni iznos npr, ako treba da posaljes 100 EUR, ti mu uplatis 105, a tih 5 EUR uzima Paypal i on dobija svojih 100 EUR
  7. Ne znam zasto navodis valjanje u mnozini. Kakve ja veze imam sa Tomom i "valjanjem"?
  8. zaboravio si samo da dodas da to iznosis kao prodavac novih uredjaja cisto da bi bilo sve transparentno
  9. neskor


    pa svaki mu je takav
  10. Evo ovde imas detaljnije objasnjeno http://truefi.blogspot.com/2018/ The here shown frontloaded enclosure from Line Magnetic, which incorporates a 18-inch field coil speaker, is a exceptional solution for all such requests. Upgraded to LM4181 the enclosure can be used as fullrange unit up to 5000 hz, or equipped with different crossover designs to match all named horn types with different take-over frequecies. The LM4181 is like its original predessor from Western Electric, the wide band coned version of three different speakers, which share the same motor armature. The speaker shows elegant wide band attitudes with a unsurpassed fast, refined textured low frequency support down to the deepest levels of bass, without the otherwise dulledness, which is so typical for modern large pa-systems. The enclosure can be opened in the back to form a dipole, which transports together with the front loading horn uncomparable attitudes, which are hardly found in other design principles, like backloaded, vented or bass reflex systems. The combination of frontloading in a dipole is known to be my favorite solution. It is giving large coned systems the property of refined fastness and articulation otherwise rarely noticed. My own speaker showed me once the superiority of such design principle over other more commercially practicable principles.Now here Philippe's installation shows simply the best connected low frequency range I have listened to in conjunction with the 22A. It is huge and it is high, it is a real piece of space determing furniture, and makes the positioning in the room difficult in both terms, acoustically and visually. This is not the type of furniture which makes life partnerships happy. It takes a good footprint and it needs some back space, as with all dipole systems, its backwarded radiated energy reflects from its backing wall. The system ideally will need some more space than Philippe will actually allow to spend, particular in corners even more, but such better position (a good meter) off the side and backing walls will tremendously increase the soundstage in his room, ideally to a almost invisible holographic soundstage. Another aspect is the door width to get it into the house and the final room.But soundwise, in terms of a deepest, most refined and fastest organic bass response for musical completeness and integrety, this is a top notch solution of highest expectation to match the world class 22a horn with its invisible tweeter. So far simply the best solution I have listened to and it is straight available by order. No woodwork, no carpenter, no nightmares of finetuning, no lost last hair from endless frequency matching or overboarding bills of frustation killing substitude drugs, like alcohol or expensive food, – maybe only a good glass of wine, while relaxed listening to a record of Nina Simone.
  11. nesto tako The pavillon and its medium driver are replicas of the famous Western Electric 22A and the Western Electric 555W. The bandwith extends from 150 à 13kHz. In the bass, an 18-inch speaker, the TA-7376 founded in a low-reflex load. Finally the treble is entrusted to the LM-302, replica of inspiration Jensen. An input sensitivity of 105 dB for an impedance of 8 Ohms.
  12. Line Magnetic je radio nesto slicno https://www.line-magnetic.eu/en/products-line-magnetic-en/speakers-line-magnetic-en
  13. neskor


    ako ne uspes nista, donesi ga na kanal
  14. neskor


    sta se konkretno desava?
  15. koliko vidim sa ove slike rupa za bas je 229mm, sto mu dodje da je drajver 10" ili 12" posto je to dimenzija samo membrane
  16. ovo izgleda zanimljivo https://electravolt.blogspot.com/2018/11/hadron-product-descriptions.html?fbclid=IwAR3DykW5TgSUPbgFtjwW0FNFubLvj1WyIkD_CZhRijwczwN6ZbSEzBjbDBM bas 101dB, field coil, papirna membrana mase 18g i platneno vesanje visokotonac sa berilijumskom membranom i Mylar vesanjem u JMLC horni, osetljivosti 115dB koji se posle atenuira sa autotrafoom pogledajte samo kako su napravili kutiju da bi se ponistile unutrasnje refleksije Koliko me secanje sluzi, mislim da Thomas Mayer bas koristi njihove zvucnike (model MOJO) za sajmove i u svom studiju.
  17. ima i ova verzija bez trafoa
  18. Pravio pre nekih 8 godina, ako me secanje dobro sluzi Gordan je skoro postovao semu za onaj bugarski preamp potpuno je bila ista sema i za moj amp za slusalice, samo je trafo bio sa izlazom za 300R i u katodi je bila LED dioda umesto otpornika i konda
  19. La Figaro 339 i Darvoice 366 i sa DIY C3g sa trafoima na izlazu
  20. moja iskustva nakon imanja desetina vrhunskih slusalica govore da HD600 imaju najprirodniji srednji koji sam ja cuo, naravno kada se upari sa dobrim lampaskim pojacalom HD600 nemaju neku extremnu rezoluciju, niti extremni bas ali zato imaju tu osobinu da te uvlace u muziku Samo napomena da fabricki kabl treba promeniti sa nekim kvalitetnijim. Ja sam kod sebe stavio Mundorf silver/gold. Evo ovde ima poredjenje vise desetina razlicitih vrhunskih slusalica: https://www.head-fi.org/threads/battle-of-the-flagships-58-headphones-compared.634201/ i potpuno se slazem sta su rekli za HD600 The HD600 is one of only five headphones that I have awarded an A+ value rating in this entire evaluation (the other four are Beyerdynamic's DT 880, Audio-Technica's ATH-AD900, and HifiMan's HE-400 & HE-500). Dollar for dollar, the HD600 is among the best sounding headphones I have ever heard. Therefore, I feel it deserves a place in every serious headphone collection.
  21. Preamp sa DHT cevima je vrhunsko resenje, samo treba pravilno implementirati grejanje i izbeci zamke mikrofonije i bruma.
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