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Mislio sam da od Jefferson Airplane videh sve - i što valja i što je bljak, ali prevario sam se: ima još! Evo ih zajedno sa Joni Mitchell, D. Crosbyem i S. Stillsom kod Dicka Cavetta samo dan posle Woodstocka.

Svirka je uživo. U pesmi 'We can be together' koju prvo izvode deluju umorno (Part 1), ali sa 'Somebody to love' (Part 5) zavrÅ¡avaju probuÄ‘eni, spremni za dugi jam. IsuviÅ¡e harizmatiÄni da bi smerna, vrlo, vrlo pristojna publika u studiju odolela njihovom vrelom zvuku. Ima dosta ćaskanja izmeÄ‘u numera (ipak je u pitanju Show program), ali budite strpljivi - ionako je sve simpatiÄno, sa puno naivnog hipie optimizma. Ja sam već izdvojio parice za DVD.

Da napomenem: ovde poÄinju u trećem minutu ( posle Joni Mitchell).

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:facehearts :facehearts :facehearts :facehearts


The Beginning

Every artist has a story. Melody's is at the heart of her music. When she was 19, Melody was hit by a car. During her recovery she used music as a form of therapy, even recording and releasing tracks while still in the hospital. Once out, she started playing around Philadelphia. Before long Universal Records signed her. Her first full-length album, Worrisome Heart, displayed her gift for transforming the traditions of jazz and blues with her intimate and personal sound. It also set a soulful artist with a small but strong following onto the world stage.

Melody's Evolution

After the critical acclaim that met her debut Melody was ready. Ready to work with Grammy-winning producer Larry Klein to create an album that would capture the subtleties of a live performance in the studio. Ready to collaborate with legendary composer Vince Mendoza, whose orchestral arrangements she thought of as a secret weapon on her album. Ready to grow as an artist. Ready to evolve her sound.

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Ode jedna flasha kvalitetnog belog vina. Ovo me raspameti, pa resih da podelim sa kolegama (spec. za Paju959 :grin: koji ce da mi odm'a predlozi najkvalitetnije vinil izdanje).

Naravno, slusa se sa cd-a, ceo album je must have, ovo mi je favorit, trenutno:


Ako imate, ubacite u plejer, zavrtite na gramu ili strimujte, svejedno. Aleluja.

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