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5 hours ago, Dacho said:


Momci rade sjajne stvari. Baš su me kontaktirali prije par dana. Vrlo su pristupačni.

Razvili su čak vlastiti software za DSP. 

Gramofon što je prikazan je prodana licenca jednom drugom proizvođaču. Inače rade među najboljim replikama WE sustava.

Pogledao sajt. Stvarno odlicno.

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izgleda da je preminuo susumu sakuma, ja sam mislio da se to odavno desilo ali neki postovi na fejsbuku tvrde da je umro danas. svejedno, RIP:










After two hours ride from Tokyo, the express train brings you to the small town of Tateyama near the beautiful seaside.
At the end of the street, you find a small restaurant called " Concord".
As soon as you step into the entrance, you are puzzled by the fantastic sight of many hand made vacuum tube amplifiers.
'Am I in a restaurant, or in an audio shop?'.
When you need someone's help, across the counter you will find the man with a smile. 
This is Mr. Susumu Sakuma.
We call him "Sakuma san".


Sakuma san was born in 1943.
After making many amplifiers, he noticed that the amplifier conforming to electronic theory does not always satisfy our emotional sense.
He decided to build his system by his emotion, not theory.

His many original ideas have resulted in an unusual monophonic system.
Sakuma amplifiers are especially unusual.
He didn't care about slander against himself, but he was concerned for the feelings of Sakuma amplifier users.
The one way to prove their correctness, was by giving audio concert demonstrations.
During some two scores of years, there have been presented innumerable domestic audio concerts, as well as those in Milan and Paris, using amplifiers of his own production and other audio instruments of his choice.
More than 4,000 people have listened to music played through his system with great enjoyment. Newspapers and magazines welcomed his performances.
Experiencing his sound, both music fans and the media agreed that reproduced music can be also a form of ART that has beauty and communicates as much emotion as "real" music.

Today more than 200 audiophiles visit Sakuma each year to seek truth in the words "Farewell to theory".


In 1977 the editor of "Audio technology MJ Musen to Jikken" visited the Concord Restaurant. 
He was impressed with Sakuma sound and requested Sakuma san to write a report of his works for "MJ".

More than 40 Sakuma articles have appeared in "Audio technology MJ Musen to Jikken" in nearly 20 years.
"MJ Musen to Jikken" is a most authoritative magazine, published since 1924.









In 1980 Direct Heating magazine was established. 

Our activities include publishing "Direct Heating" magazine, giving audio concerts and other beneficial steps to bring audio into the fine arts.

In 1989 Sakuma san published "The Remembrance of Sound Past". 

Both 1st and 2nd edition are out of print, and he is writing a new book.


What is the Sakuma Amplifier?


SAKUMA amplifiers have caused controversy among many Japanese audiophiles.
Some say "The Sakuma amplifier is the finest for music listening "; while others say "Judging by his circuit design, Sakuma must not understand audio electronics. His amplifier may destroy speakers".
To avoid misunderstanding, To be honest, I admit that most Japanese audiophiles are in the the latter group.


It is 20 years ago.
Sakuma often listened to Be-Bop jazz. 
He especially liked to listen to piano played by Bud Powell.

Sakuma had tried many speaker systems: Western Electric, JBL and other famous products. Indeed, their sound is better than most. But these speakers did not completely satisfy him.

One day he bought a Lowther speaker PM6 driver unit.
The looks of it ...so bad! The sound of it too bad !!
And although it seems strange, he chose this Lowther.
He said " In the tone of Lowther, I find something I have needed for a long time. 

I did not hear this. 
I felt it." 

When first his amplifier drove the Lowther, the tone of PM6 unit was too thin.
He began day by day to create an amplifier suitable for the Lowther .
After five unsatisfied years, he mounted an interstage transformer. 
Although interstage transformers were considered no good for sound, the amplifier now brought a beautiful mid-range from the Lowther.

Sakuma says "I opened the reference books every day. And then, that old interstage transformer asked me: 
'Sakuma, who do you build this amplifier for?
Do you make the amplifier to get praise from electronics teachers?' 
Since that day, I have made amplifiers for my own pleasure as an amateur".

He has already abandoned NFB, D/C heating of the final tube's filament, and SRPP.
He changed from capacitor coupling to transformer coupling.

Sakuma says "Many Japanese audiophiles use high power amplifiers to get powerful mid-range and bass. But excellent speakers, like the Lowther and Altec, refuse brute power.
The most important goal is not 'Power', but 'Energy' and 'Frame of tone'. 
The only way to get Energy and Frame is to mount the many transformers, although I can't tell you a scientific reason for this".


Sakuma says "It is easy to build from a reference book or from MJ. 
But we can not make the amplifier better that way. When I make an amplifier, I listen and listen to music so as to find 'what I need' in my imagination. 
Once I find It, the amplifier design is very easy".

The title of his book and the name of his audio concerts is "Rememberance of Sound Past". 
This is not to say that we wish to listen old sounds like a music box.
When we listen to an audio system, there is first, our own emotion.
It is the start of audio life. But after hearing many audio systems and reading other's audio reports, we may lose our own emotion.

"Rememberance of Sound Past" is the memory of our first emotions brought forth by music and audio.


(meni je ukljucen automatski prevod sa japanskog na engleski, ne znam sta ce vama da izadje. ako vas zanima google translate pa udri)



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30 minuta ranije, anubisgrau said:

He decided to build his system by his emotion, not theory.

Experiencing his sound, both music fans and the media agreed that reproduced music can be also a form of ART that has beauty and communicates as much emotion as "real" music.

After five unsatisfied years, he mounted an interstage transformer. 

He has already abandoned NFB, D/C heating of the final tube's filament, and SRPP.
He changed from capacitor coupling to transformer coupling.

Sakuma says "Many Japanese audiophiles use high power amplifiers to get powerful mid-range and bass. But excellent speakers, like the Lowther and Altec, refuse brute power.
The most important goal is not 'Power', but 'Energy' and 'Frame of tone'. 
The only way to get Energy and Frame is to mount the many transformers, although I can't tell you a scientific reason for this".
But we can not make the amplifier better that way. When I make an amplifier, I listen and listen to music so as to find 'what I need' in my imagination. 

When we listen to an audio system, there is first, our own emotion.
It is the start of audio life. But after hearing many audio systems and reading other's audio reports, we may lose our own emotion.


Moram da priznam da su reportaže iz njegovog restorana bile veoma inspirativne. 

Dodao bih, pored već navedenog i veliki doprinos u vidu posebnog/razdvojenog povezivanja power ground-a i signal/audio ground-a.

Neka počiva u miru.

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Ode i Skuma San...


The most important goal is not 'Power', but 'Energy' and 'Frame of tone'. 
The only way to get Energy and Frame is to mount the many transformers, although I can't tell you a scientific reason for this".

When we listen to an audio system, there is first, our own emotion.
It is the start of audio life. But after hearing many audio systems and reading other's audio reports, we may lose our own emotion.


What is the Sakuma Amplifier?


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Jako sam se smorio, ne samo zato što je čovek umro nego zato što sam mislio da je davno umro. Znao sam za priču da je istovremeno vodio restoran i radio sprave, u istom prostoru, ali sam stvarno bio uveren da je davno otišao jer sam tako zaključio čitajući priče ljudi koji su ga posetili u toj radionici i proveli neko vreme slušajući uređaje. Zapravo je bio  jako blizu Tokija, na nekih 75km što je verovatno nekih 2 sata vožnje prigradskom železnicom - perfektno izvodljivo za posetiti. Kada su sinoć na stranici "Paper & Oil" okačili njegove slike, prvo sam pomislio da je neka godišnjica smrti. Šteta za propuštenu šansu.

Inače se Sakumine sprave povremeno pojavljuju na japanskom aukcijskom Yahoo sajtu (ne mešati sa ovim poznatim pretraživačem). I čak su cene relativno OK, obično prosek za dobar full DHT bude oko $2500-3000, ali kako da dovučeš nešto što u sebi ima 15 što trafoa što prigušnica i ima 50 kila. Zato su tako retki u Evropi. Nedavno su mi curile bale na jedan 10Y-211, nešto slično Thomas Mayer naplaćuje više od 30.000e danas, ovaj je izašao na $2800...



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Setio sam se firme koja radi Field Coil sistem. A dali su u podacima i merenja na osnovu kojih se moze utvrditi kako ce se menja ti TS parametri drivera. Podsetio me @milovan1963.
 A ovo podaci mogu biti zanimljivi @SuperFi ju u vezi sa novim FC driverom Sonido. Posto je i tu nizi napon napajanja coila vazice isti sistem predvdjanja TS parametrara pa samim tim i konfiguracija odgovarajuceg kabineta... To su dve firme. Obe francuske.i u potpunosti se uklapaju u ovu temu.

Prva firma je stara firma Fertin. Osnovana 1966. Osnivac Michael Fertin. Mislim da on to sve sklapa i konstruise.


Druga firma je EMS (Electro Magnet Speaker) i tu na naslovnoj stranici pise Catherine Fertin. Mislim da je ona cerka M. Fertina?


EMS je dao podatke kako se menjaju TS prametri u zavisnisti od visine DC napona napajanja Field Coila. Primer je njihova neverovatna 12in verzija LB12EX. Mozda i najbolja 12tica koja se moze naci. Oni imaju ova merenja TS parametra za razlicite napone magnecenja coila za sve drivere. I trebalo bi napraviti uporedne tabele i izvuci zakljucke iz toga. To ce apsolutno vaziti za sve FC drivere manjeg napona napajanja. U ovim slucajevima se naponi napajanja coila krecu od 5V do 15V sa korakom od 2.5V sto je prilicno precizno predstavljerno i obuhvata 5 slucajeva. :)

Jasno se vidi da smanjenjem napona napajanja coila:

- smanjuje se efikasnost.

- povecava se elektricni Q faktor Qes (pa na osnovu toga i total Qts)

- Smanjuje se force faktor

Ove zakonitosti ce vaziti i za Sonido i za bilo koji drigi FC driver. I mislim da je jedini Fertin to dao preciznije izmereno. Mozda je i supravox dao nesto, nisam proveravao?

Ovo omogucava da se izborom napona napajanja coila, driver koristi od recimo OB kabineta pa do nekog portovanog kabineta... :)


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8 sati ranije, Majda said:

Istorijat Fertin brendova


mda, interesantan zivotopis jednog od nekoliko najbitnijih francuskih gurua za zvucnike , pogotovo fullrange...Neobicno je to da je prvu firmu  - fertin acoustics - osnovao sa koleginicom , i kad se razmimoisao sa njom prodao joj svoj udeo i pravo na njegovo prezime , onda u penziji sa cerkom otvara EMS . Obe firme rade , a ona prva pravi nesto egzoticnija vesanja na drajverima , valjda kao stari gudmansi.  Nego htedoh reci , -posto sam ovo dosta listao-, ima neki lik koji je uporedio zvucno LB12 ferit sa LB12 fieldcoil i kaze : povecanjem voltaze na 12 - 15v zvuk ide nabolje ali se vise greje , dalje , ako je obicno napajanje f. coila  razlika u zvuku je mala , ali ako se dovede baterijsko - akumulatorsko, razlika je drasticna...E sad, kolio je to tacno , interesantno da im je frekv. kriva gotovo identicna.

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55 minutes ago, milovan1963 said:

mda, interesantan zivotopis jednog od nekoliko najbitnijih francuskih gurua za zvucnike , pogotovo fullrange...Neobicno je to da je prvu firmu  - fertin acoustics - osnovao sa koleginicom , i kad se razmimoisao sa njom prodao joj svoj udeo i pravo na njegovo prezime , onda u penziji sa cerkom otvara EMS . Obe firme rade , a ona prva pravi nesto egzoticnija vesanja na drajverima , valjda kao stari gudmansi.  Nego htedoh reci , -posto sam ovo dosta listao-, ima neki lik koji je uporedio zvucno LB12 ferit sa LB12 fieldcoil i kaze : povecanjem voltaze na 12 - 15v zvuk ide nabolje ali se vise greje , dalje , ako je obicno napajanje f. coila  razlika u zvuku je mala , ali ako se dovede baterijsko - akumulatorsko, razlika je drasticna...E sad, kolio je to tacno , interesantno da im je frekv. kriva gotovo identicna.

A znaci tako, "razmimoisao se sa kolegicom" i ustupio joj ime firme... Tc tc tc... Tipicno francuski :wub:

Da to sa grejanjem moze da bude za ozbiljnije razmisljanje. Ima nekih izvestaja gde korisnici kazu da Supravox FCi toliko greju da hoce da istope damping ako je iza zvucnika. To prakticno znaci da nije bas uputno upotrbiti ih u zatvorenoj kutiji. Sa slobodnim dampingom? Mozda jedino ono resenje koje je u stvari i najispravnije - da se damping sabije u jednu kocku od recimo zice i fiksira u centru kabineta. U centru mase kabineta. A ne da, kao sto svi radimo, postavljamo rascupan damping svuda po unutrsnjosti kabineta?

Mada nije nelogicno da bolje zvuci sa vecim naponom napajanja. Tu je i indukcija "gvozdja" veca, pa na osnovu toga i homogenije i jace magnetno polje oko voice coila? Onda dalje to svara "cistiji" rad pri vecim ekskurzijama... Ne bi trebalo prekoracivati nivo napona napajanja i dovoditi materijal pistona u saturaciju. ALI povecanjem DC napona, posto je uzina zice u FCu ista, pa i DC otpro kalema, dolazi do vece dispacije na istom otporu. To je ta termicka energija... Bilo bi zanimljivo da su izmerili i temperaturu magnetnog mehanizma vec kada su merili promenu TS parametara?

Primetio sam da su skupa ta originalna napajanja koja se prodaju uz drivere? Mislim u redu, to je plug and play, i sa garancijom. Provereno je i sigurno nece ostetiti nista na tim skupim jedinicama.

E sad pitanje je kako se ponasaju zvucno ovi noviji FC gde je manji DC napon, deblja zica FCa, ALI mnogo veca struja FCa, koja greje namotaj, piston, celu polnu plocu pa i korpu. U odnosu na old school koncept, koji je izao sa tankom zicom, vecim brojem namotaja, humbucking dodatnim malim coilom, i koristio se kao prigusnica u napajanju tube ampa. Tu recimo nije bilo pregrevanja, A kalem se postepeno magnetio kako se ispravljacica greje i "pusta" napon kroz kalem. Ovaj humbucking coil je ponistavao AC komponentu koja je dovodila do blagog brujanja i bez signala valjda?

Medjutoa takav dizajn je uslovljavao da pojacalo bude blizu zvucnika, najcesce bas na zvucniku, da bi izvodi FCa bili sto kraci. Ali imao je i prednost posto se sa ukljucivanjem ampa postepeno ukljucivao i zvucnik.

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Ovi Spanci KCS rade iskljucivo za cinema i broadcasting. Ne znaci da ne moze da se koristi i kod kuce?

Vidi se po standardima opsega... A i po tome sto ne isporucuju skretnice uz kabinete. Vec posebno. I to su uglavnom aktivni setovi, koji se automatski konfigurisu na osnovu informacija na nosacu filma. Video sam konkretno kako izgleda pakovanje novih filmova. Plasticna rolna dimenzija kao ona stara metalna. Kada se otvori naravno nema filmske trake vec DVD ili set nekih nosaca, kao i manual. Sve se samo setuje... I tu su pohranjene informacije koje regulisu skretanja sisteme zvucnika i drugo sto je specificno za pojedini film a sto eventualno odstupa od standarda. Plug and play :)


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17 hours ago, prophet said:

Na temu centralnog:




Bas verzija:




Super su i ovi nemci. Nije nesto ni svemirski skupo?

Ali mi se cini da im je samo taj crveni prsten AlNiCo, a ova druga 2 elementa i piston od obicnog gvozdja samo niklovano?

Kod kineza vec postoje gotovi elementi za sklapanje bas za zvucnike. I to moze da bude opcija za one koji mozda hoce neto da prave?


Screen Shot 2018-12-18 at 6.08.39 PM.jpg

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