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Auris Audio


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Sve vidjeno a sve novo i drugaÄije.

KlasiÄni trafoi u napajanju sa SMPS u kombinaciji.....

Spojiti nespojivo nam je bio cilj, rezultat kako rekoše u Stereofiles-u


At the beginning of this test I already felt that the Adagio 300B can be quite a nice amplifier. What I didn't expect was that it would turn out to be such a refined and complete machine, in terms of the aesthetics and sound quality. Audio Auris enters the world of high-end without false modesty. Not because of the name of the owner or any other connections, but in the simplest possible way - with extremely high quality of its products. If this amplifier was branded with a logo of one of those companies before which audiophiles almost kneel, it would cost twice as much. If the Serbs stick to this path, they can quickly join this elite group.


Na poÄetku testa sam osetio da Adagio 300B može biti vrlo lepo pojaÄalo. Ono Å¡to nisam oÄekivao je da će se ispostaviti da je tako prefinjen i kompletan uredjaj, u smislu estetike i kvaliteta zvuka. Auris Audio ulazi u svetski vrh bez lažne skromnosti. Ne zbog imena vlasnika ili bilo koje druge veze, već na najednostavniji mogući naÄin - izuzetnim kvalitetom svojih proizvoda. Da je ovo pojaÄalo brendirano logoom neke firme pred kojim audiofili gotovo kleÄe, cena bi mogla biti duplo veća. Ako Srbi nastave ovim putem, ubrzo će se pridružiti toj elitnoj grupi.


Sve vidjeno a sve novo i drugaÄije.

KlasiÄni trafoi u napajanju sa SMPS u kombinaciji.....

Spojiti nespojivo nam je bio cilj, rezultat kako rekoše u Stereofiles-u


At the beginning of this test I already felt that the Adagio 300B can be quite a nice amplifier. What I didn't expect was that it would turn out to be such a refined and complete machine, in terms of the aesthetics and sound quality. Audio Auris enters the world of high-end without false modesty. Not because of the name of the owner or any other connections, but in the simplest possible way - with extremely high quality of its products. If this amplifier was branded with a logo of one of those companies before which audiophiles almost kneel, it would cost twice as much. If the Serbs stick to this path, they can quickly join this elite group.


Na poÄetku testa sam osetio da Adagio 300B može biti vrlo lepo pojaÄalo. Ono Å¡to nisam oÄekivao je da će se ispostaviti da je tako prefinjen i kompletan uredjaj, u smislu estetike i kvaliteta zvuka. Auris Audio ulazi u svetski vrh bez lažne skromnosti. Ne zbog imena vlasnika ili bilo koje druge veze, već na najednostavniji mogući naÄin - izuzetnim kvalitetom svojih proizvoda. Da je ovo pojaÄalo brendirano logoom neke firme pred kojim audiofili gotovo kleÄe, cena bi mogla biti duplo veća. Ako Srbi nastave ovim putem, ubrzo će se pridružiti toj elitnoj grupi.




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Ustajem i aplaudiram,

Sta vise da kazem. Zeleo bih da znam koje firme koristite trafoe ili koja firma za vas radi trafoe ako nije neka poslovna tajna ili tome slicno. To me zanima jer mada se jako slabo razumem u elektroniku znam da  je kod lampasa kvalitet trafoa presudan pa me zanima koji su u vasim uredjajima.

Hvala i jos jednom da cestitam na uspesnim proizvodima koje proizvodite i jako mi je drago da imamo jos jednu firmu koja pravi hi end lampase kod nas.

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Na većini naših proizvoda su trafoi proizvedeni u Trafomatic-u a na ovom konkretno su trafoi u napajanju Trafomatic, a izlazni Auris Audio na duplim C jezgrima 20cm2 tajvanske proizvodnje debljina lima 0.10mm

Po meni Trafomatic je u prva 3 proizvodjaÄa izlaznih trafoa na svetu ( nije sve matematika ), ostalo je stvar ukusa a ja cenim sve Å¡to je kvalitetno a Sale je posebna priÄa. ( Najteže je biti prorok u svom selu )

Hvala na podršci.

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Iskreno jako slabo poznajem naprave koje vi proizvodite,ali mi je veoma drago kad vidim lep i kvalitetan domaci proizvod koji moze da se nosi sa belosvetskim "brendovima"(ono ko kad dobijemo Amere u basketu).Nadam se da cemo u buducnosti imati mnogo vise domacih proizvoda u svim cenovnim kategorijama (pojacala,zvucnika,gramofona,dacova....),jer mi je zao da dam novac za neke belosvetske "brendove",kad znam da nasi ljudi mogu da naprave mnogo bolji proizvod za mnogo manje para.


Sve najbolje u daljem radu,mnogo srece i uspeha zeli vam Digital :thumbsup2:wave2.

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Miroslave piše u review...


jeadni od ....

System configuration

Since an audiophile Single-Ended triode cannot be simply plugged into a random hi-fi system, we've tested the Adagio 300B in two different configurations. In the first one it powered several pairs of speakers including things like Triangle Antal Anniversary, Audel CG Tower and Focal Diva Utopia BE. The signal came from Pathos Digit CD player and all the cables were delivered by Cardas. In the second system the amplifier was working with two completely different speaker sets - Pylon Audio Sapphire 31 and Albedo HL 2.2. In this case, the main source was the Naim CD5 XS, cables were also provided by Cardas, and the power distribution was all done by Enerr. Despite the large variety of speakers used in the test, I didn't feel the lack of dynamics or resolution in any combination. Of course you won't be able to throw a big party with this amplifier if you use some speakers with an efficiency of 86 dB, but if you just stick to 90 dB or higher, it will be more than enough for normal or even pretty loud listening.

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